P4C in schools monthly meeting 2023/1

●Date: 2023.1.21.(Sat.)15:00-16:30

●Place: Zoom

●Recruitment: educators, teachers, students aiming to beccome teachers

●【Content】”On the contents of the interactive/dialogical class I received in Denmark and my practice in Japan”
What do you imagine when you hear “Denmark education”? This time, I would like to talk about my experiences of interactive/dialogical classes that I learned while studying abroad in Denmark, and how I think I am currently able to apply them to public junior high school. I would like to proceed in a fun interactive manner, so if you are even slightly interested, please join us.

●Presenter: Saki Matsuura, Kobe City Public Junior High Schoo Teacher


●Deadline: 12:00 on Saturday, January 21st.

  • Contact: masugata@hotmail.com